I am nearing the finish line with the completion of my very first reborn doll painting; Realborn Tessa Sleeping by BountifulBaby. I have learned so many things during this painting process that has left me feeling so proud of myself and excited to start on my next kit! Today, I'll share with you the reborning supplies that I have purchased, notes on what I've learned and photos of how Tessa is coming along. The only thing left is baby nails and eyebrows, then she'll be ready to matte/varnish and assemble!
What I'm Using
Waterborne Air-Dry Paints - Honeybuns Reborn Supply
Liquitex Matte Gel Medium - Amazon
DecoArt Ultra Matte Varnish - Amazon
Wedge Sponges - Honeybuns Reborn Supply
Honeycomb mottling sponges - Honeybuns Reborn Supply
Short Liner brush - Bountifulbaby
Goat hair mop brushes - Amazon
Filbert paint brushes - Amazon
Kabuki blending brushes - Amazon
Flat painting brushes - Amazon
Ceramic paint palette - Amazon
Dropper pipettes - Amazon
Latex gloves - Amazon
Mug Tree Drying rack - Amazon
Leak proof Puppy pads - Amazon
Beginner Notes No. 01
I thought it'd be a good idea to take note of the things I learned and would do differently so I can improve my painting. These are my personal notes for the type of paint I am using and how I best like to paint in general. Your methods may be different!
Remember to turn off and keep clean the ceiling fan to keep down on dust particles. Dust off doll parts with a soft, clean brush before each painting session. Pick out any pesky fibers as you work so they do not dry and stick into paint layers.
Create creases, heavy mottling and veining first; do not wait until the end. These aspects will be toned down once skin layers are on top and are easier to mask imperfections.
Paint limbs halfway at a time to make each part easier to hold. Work on hands to elbow first and then elbow to shoulder. Let dry in between each part. You don't have to attempt to paint the entire limb at once.
Use primary color washes to adjust the warmness and coolness of skin tone, verses a different skin tone layer.
Blushing can be reduced with skin tone layers if you mess up :)
Keep a stock of wedge sponges and blenders. Once they get too wet, they're useless and begin to damage the integrity of the paint job. Blending works best with a dry sponge.
Darker skin tones are created by the color mix of the paint, not just adding more layers of 'flesh' color or primary colors. Use your color theory skills to create warm, cool and neutral brown skin tones.
Tessa WIP Photos
