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WIP: Realborn Ana

Happy Hump Day dollie lovers!

The painting process has been going well for me. With each new painting session I learn something new and I've been enjoying the journey so far. Soon, my reborn doll No. 02 will be ready for assembly. I am hoping my doe suede body order from Irresistables will be delivered today and I can get this cutie put together! Doll No. 02 is Realborn Ana Asleep by Bountiful Baby.

With this doll painting, I aimed for a deep African skin tone. This rich skin tone come in a large variety of brown shades with warm, cool and neutral tones. I've always heard from other artists that achieving this skin tone is time consuming and difficult. For me, it was not so difficult but just a practice of patience and trial/error when it comes to mixing the paint colors. My goal was to start off with a base shade of brown and work my way up to the darkest level. In my next painting of a darker skin tone like this, I'd like my highlighted areas to be lighter and the transition to darker areas a bit more seamless. Overall, I think it was a wonderful first attempt!

This is my first time using the black Prismacolor for hair, as well. It came out nice and I can't wait to try it on a light skinned doll to really see how bold it comes out. In the future, I'd like to try adding painted strokes in as well but for now, I am not as confident in my grip with a brush painting hair as opposed to drawing it.

As soon as he is put together I'll be taking is photoshoot images and posting him for adoption on my Instagram @dollielovex3 I also made a new page here on the site to show the dolls I have made. Visit the My Work page to see my portfolio of dolls grow over the year.

Stay tuned!


DollieLovex3 is a social media platform (YouTube, Instagram and web) dedicated to the hobby of Reborn Doll collecting, educating new hobbyists and sharing the love of dolls.

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