I have been on a roll with my reborn doll painting. As long as I have a kit to work on, I like to keep my painting progress continuous! I've even made the offer to a few close friends that I would paint their favorite doll sculpts for free, in exchange for the learning experience. I'm glad that one has taken me up on the offer. Purchasing sculpts (even from affordable places like BountifulBaby) are adding up!

In any case, I have completed Doll No. 02 and I am awaiting the right doll body to arrive in the mail. Unfortunately, one that I picked out from Irresistables didn't look quite right on him, so I am attempting again. In the meantime, Doll No. 03, Realborn June Asleep has been painted, varnished, sealed and assembled. I'm hoping to get some nice photos this weekend before June makes his official debut on my social media. Surprisingly, this baby looks good as a girl or a boy, so I haven't quite made up my mind.
