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Should diverse dolls cost more?

It has been a week since adorable Shelby has joined my doll collection, and she is fitting in nicely. I love everything about her, from her thick coily curls to her bright almond brown eyes; she's a dream doll for sure. Having Shelby and Tatiana in my collection have made me think even more about the topic of black dolls and the cost of them in the doll hobby. Should diverse dolls cost more?

I am sure this topic has been debated over and over again in doll Facebook groups and on YouTube, but I've never spoken about it on my blog until now.

Diverse dolls at Pumpkin Doodle Babies

Even though I am a promoter, I gear my content towards doll collectors because that's what I am. I want people to make informed decisions when it comes to adopting these collectible works of art, regardless of my partnership. I don't like to recommend things for others unless it's something I have tried and loved myself. When it comes to Kory Fann's work I've always been fond of it, beginning as a customer in 2017 with my adoption of Tabitha. Once I became a promoter for PDB one of my first inquiries was about skin tone options for customized reborn dolls. Back then, the artist was very much aware of the need for a wider offering in her doll's skin tones. It took some time, but this nursery now offers darker skin tone dolls. I learned that this feature was very important to the artist, not only to be able to offer this customization but to be able to execute it accurately and beautifully. I am very proud of Kory for expanding on her skills, even though it may have been a challenge.

Another aspect to offering more skin tone options was the cost. Kory Fann specifically has been against charging customers more for darker skin toned dolls. She believes every collector should have the opportunity to purchase a doll that looks like them, if they choose at no additional cost. I couldn't agree more! I also appreciate the dedication it has taken her, to learn about darker skin tones and to paint them accurately.

I adore each of my Pumpkin Doodle Babies, but it is for sure that I hold a special place in my heart for Shelby!

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DollieLovex3 is a social media platform (YouTube, Instagram and web) dedicated to the hobby of Reborn Doll collecting, educating new hobbyists and sharing the love of dolls.

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