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the dollie blog
Preparing for the Kansas Doll Show
It's been months since I kept up with the reborn doll world online. Work life has kept me busy, but working hard allows me to play hard...
Earthside Avenue clothing try-on
My entire YouTube platform is built on reborn doll fashion, outfit changes and cute doll accessories. Over the years I have narrowed down...
Macie by Cassie Brace (Pt. 2)
My adorable Ember is back home from her trip to artist Kory Fann of Pumpkin Doodle Babies! My little bald baby now has sprouted a...
Macie by Cassie Brace (Pt. 1)
I wasn't expecting my latest collection update to be so soon...but this week I welcomed home baby Macie by Cassie Brace. I have had this...
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